About me
My name is Gabriele and I was born and raised in Germany. After my apprenticeship as a dressmaker and further studies as a garment technician I left Germany in 1994 for China for my first job in the garment industry. Initially I was meant to stay for one year – I finally stayed for fourteen... With every trip I took around Asia my passion for the region and photography grew. After leaving Hong Kong in 2008 I moved to Switzerland for work and made Zurich my home since then. Having studied at the New York Institute of Photography in 1999 and having successfully finished a CAS course in photography just recently have only intensified my passion for this beautiful art. Exhibitions: 2021 photoSCHWEIZ 21: Photo International 2022 photoSCHWEIZ 22: https://photointernational.com/projects/pch22-gabriele-marquardt 2022: SPC Photo Awards Zürich – Honorable Mentioning der Jury 2023 photoSCHWEIZ 23: https://www.photo-schweiz.ch/aussteller/p/gabriele-marquardt?rq=Marquardt 2023, April 13. - 30.: Joint Exhibition @Photobastei Zürich 'Marke Art, not War' 2024, Januar 12. - 16.: https://www.photo-schweiz.ch/